Thursday, February 20, 2014

You've got me on my toes.

So we all traveled down to Jeni's to see little lexie's baby blessing. It was of course lots of fun and im excited for the next big get together that is hopefully soon. Here are a few pictures from the trip....

This is dukes batman face... 

Here is a my handsome husband and i... maybe some day he will learn to smile? Or i will learn to make funny faces? 

Lexie getting lots of attention. 

Also... as everyone must know, i am pregnant. I had a horrible month starting at 6 weeks where i didnt leave the house and pretty much stayed in my bed until i had to throw up and then returned back to bed. My doctor had me switch my prenatals and i take half a sleeping pill at night and lots of B6 throughout the day and that seems to be helping a good amount. I still have a bad start most mornings where i loose my breakfast but the rest of the day is pretty good as long as i keep eating little things. 

But anyways... here is how we announced it to our families. I wish i could have sent them to everyone because they were just so cute! I bought them off of etsy here. Its a little egg you have to crack and inside was a piece of paper that said we were pregnant. I mailed mine to my family and they were smart enough to call me while opening it but not smart enough to suspect anything but it was fun to hear their surprise. And we were lucky enough to be able to give chads family theirs in person. Lots and lots of fun. 

Also while were were at jeni's i had photographer kasey take our announcement picture and she did a great job. Here are some others i liked that she took that i didn't post.

And.. we bought our first baby item yesterday. They are blue so kind of boyish but the patterns are totally more girlish.. sooo i decided that made them neutral. :) I mostly bought these onesies for this one.. it has castles and little deer in the forest and says once upon a time.. just adorable.

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