I tired to go all out with Halloween themed food and made pumpkin shaped pancakes colored orange with green stems, spider pbjs with witch broom sticks and oranges with pumpkin faces, and then classic mummy hotdogs for dinner.
We went trick or treating at Mall of America. Oliver enjoyed it and I enjoyed it being warm, but candy was pretty slim as there were tons and tons of kids there. Oliver dressed up as a Knight which he bought from the dollar store. He had wanted to be a hamster but we couldn't find anything and I should have been a better mom and put something together earlier but I kept thinking he would change his mind and not want to be a hamster.. but he never did. But it did like the idea of a bad guy knight. So thats what he ended up being.
And then the last two pictures is from Oliver and I carving our cat pumpkin. I let him poke it and do whatever with the knife and he seemed to enjoy that.

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