Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This night is endless, the sky is falling down on us and you sit right next to me.

I have no class from 11:15- 5. Its 3:15 now. I've been looking at flickr pictures and wishing i could be fantastic at photography. I really want to take pictures, but be super, and have photoshop. When i go home i think i'll try to take pictures often often. I think?

I think i'll buy some chocolate milk. nevermind.

I have class in the Taylor chapel today. thats at 5.

Limewire failed me.

"On October 26, 2010, Judge Kimba Wood, a US federal court judge, issued an injunction forcing LimeWire to prevent "the searching, downloading, uploading, file trading and/or file distribution functionality, and/or all functionality" of its software. As a result of the injunction, LimeWire 5.5.11 and newer have been disabled using a backdoor installed by the company. However, version 5.5.10 and all prior versions of LimeWire remain fully functional and cannot be disabled unless a user upgrades to one of the newer versions. A trial investigating the damages necessary to compensate the affected record labels is scheduled to begin in January 2011."

So i guess i need to see if i can download 5.5.10. Or else my life might just end.

Angels and Airwaves Love movie comes out Valentines day 2011. So that is 96 more days, or 3 months and 4 days, or 13 weeks, or 2304 hours.