Thursday, October 6, 2011

Walk away.. tall.

As you can see, my blog has changed. I was using the old html layouts and it wasn't showing all my old posts and there was no way to find them. So i decided it was time to move over to the new layouts. I tried to get it to look as much as the same as I could to the old one. But you know...

While I was looking for things to add to my new blog I found this site [] and its got some cool little things like this flashy thing.....

Watch your words spread hope like fire, secret crowds rise up and gather hear your voices sing out louder.


I think these things are the cutest. This guy has like tons of other ones too. I think i just just about anything with glass jars.

I've been twittering for 2 days now.

Chad and I colored together yesterday. His are the two on the right. Mine is on the left

It snowed today. I'm cold.

My mom mailed me a package yesterday it has my slippers in it. Im looking forward to them.

I listened to some chirstmas music this morning. Im getting super excited or christmas. Its the best time of year. I wish it would hurry up.

I want to run away and go to disneyland.