Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Come on skinny love just last the year. Pour a little salt, we were never here.

So im all alone : (

Kasey and i drove chad to boise for his flight to.... Alaska, for a grad school interview! Im very happy he got an interview but jealous that he gets to go on a trip, and see my family without me. Im also not looking forward to being alone for 4 days without chad ryan parr. But i'll wiggle through it and survive i suppose.

Here are some pictures from the old trip... chad got the munchys and asked me to pull over to this town and then all of a sound we saw this amazing canyon thing. Come to find out twin falls is a very cool place. hopefully we will make it back there sometime soon!

Kasey & Chad
 Chad & Allie

 The rest of it.....

And i took a picture of the trip calculator with cool plans to have one from the start and end but... i forgot to take one at the end.. so haha.. yeah... 

And here is just a little extra picture of chad and i...chad being silly as always.