So i painted my desk i bought a di. Its a bright color but i like it. Some day if i ever get the Ralph Lauren glaze i've talked about before i think i'll glaze it. Anyways, i have tons of pant left over. Only bought a quart and i'll be able to paint a billion more things with it. haha.
Here is another before and after of the side table i bought from di which i never posted a final picture of.
Im done with school on wednseday! Which is Tomorrow.
Also i saw the hunger games i thought it was kind of disappointing. The way it was filmed all shaky and super zoomed in bothered me. And i felt like the charters weren't developed very well. Like if i hadn't read the book i would not have understood or cared for the characters very much?
Anyways. Of to work soon. sadly. Then home to sleep then a final, exit interview, and a paper to do tomorrow.