Sunday, February 23, 2014

The cold never bothered me anyway.

Im proud to say i've started cooking food again. I feel like i constantly have to eat or i start feeling nauseous which isn't as fun as it sounds... anyways.. i've been using my new food processor as often as i can. I make myself my own personal single smoothie every morning. I've learned that little mini prep plus can't handle ice cubes so i cut the fruit up before hand and then freeze it and then in the morning let it thaw just a little before blending. Anyways.. its great. 

Its was super sunny the other day and it brightened up our gloomy dark apartment for once which made me extremely happy. If only it was like that every day :(

I also started making individual brownies in cute little ramekins. Which chad is very pleased about. Im going to try individual cookies next.

And... here is cute little darcy. being cute.