Happy late New Years! Happily i didn't have to work so chad and i had a little house marathon baked some cookies, drank kool aid, and ate some pizza. It was pretty good. We also wrote out new years resolutions together which im doing something cute with that i'll post about once im finished :)
I also printed off about 100 pictures to catch up my photo album to this year! When i was putting them into the album i realized there are a lot of darcy. haha.

Lately i've been wanting to change our living room around. Since we've moved our tv has been on a little side table thing which is not the prettiest. The cords are all showing and stuff which is not my favorite. Sooo.. i had been seeing on pinterest a lot of people putting their tvs on these big/long dresser like things. I eventually found out that this thing is called a buffet. I've been searching craiglist and trying to get to di to find a cheap one that i could repaint and didn't have any luck. So today chad was going to rexburg while i was at work and i told him if he found one that i would like that was cheap he should buy it. And he did! We went after work to go take a look at it and i am quite excited about it. Chad picked a good one. But... it doesn't fit in our car. So we have to figure that out. I think it'll fit in the pruis we just need to try again. So we plan to bring blacky and the pruis to rexburg on wednesday to figure out how to get it here.
And I only work Sunday through Tuesday so i'll have all next week to work on it!
Also.. i found some frames i really want to buy for the living room as well,which i plan to buy 3 of. But they are
from ikea and i can't buy them online so i'll either wait till we go to salt lake some day orrr find something similar online.