Charlie is here! She was born on the 12th at 1:45pm and she is super adorable.
A little about her birth.
I had a scheduled C-Section this time which felt kind of nice knowing exactly when she was coming and when to have my bag packed and Chad's mom here to watch Oliver and everything. I felt like the actual C-Section wasn't going to be too bad since last time with Oliver it was actually relieving once we finally got to the point where we went ahead and had a C-Section. But, this time I felt much more aware and I got a little panicky in the operating room. Everyone at the Hospital was super super nice though and went way out of their way to make me feel better/comfortable.
Everything went smoothly and I got to meet Charlie, they then brought her out to Chad to hold while they sewed me backup. We were all reunited together in our room where we stayed for the next 3 days before heading home.
I still have a hard time believing we have two kids! It's been great having chad at home and I'm going to be super sad once he has to go back to work next week. Charlie is a very easy baby, just sleeps and eats. I actually find the hardest part of having a new baby is taking care of Oliver. Its tough and sad for him to not have me ready and able to play at any moment and its been a tough adjustment. I brought him with me and left Charlie with Chad when I went to my 1 week incision appointment and we went out to buy crayons and coloring books together afterwards which was really nice to hangout together again.
Anyways... Here are some Hospital photos!