Surprise, we went to Toronto and Niagra Falls last week! Rachel and Becky didn't tell us where we were going until the morning of and then we had to hurry and pack our bags to catch our flight. It was a lot of fun and we got to do a lot of new cool things.
Waiting for our flight. Oliver was too busy for pictures.
cool kids selfie.
Oliver was a pretty great kid the whole trip. Here he is putting himself to sleep for the night.
Probably tied for my favorite thing we did on the trip was Casa Loma. I loved it. It was beautiful.
In the fancy stables.
We also went to the zoo.
Love this picture.
My other tied for favorite thing was the CN Tower. It is soooo tall. At the very end of the blog there is a time laps video of us going down the elevator.
Chads favorite part of the trip was dinosaur mini golf. Ryan won, and then I got second, then chad, kasey, Jordan.
Then of course Niagara Falls was cool too! The best part was going under the falls where you go through these tunnels that are behind the falls and there are these spots where you can come out and see the backside of it. One part you are come out super close and the water and wind is crazy its like your in a storm.