Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Get it all stirred up lets get it

Well we are back from our big quick trip to California! It was really fun, my favorite part was when we went on a Warner brothers studio tour. Oliver did really well throughout the day but was pretty bad in the car. But I don't blame him.. the car can be very boring and long.

Oliver was very wiggly on the 4 hour plane ride but took a little nap and chad and I were even able to watch 2 episodes of one of our favorite shows longmire.
He also loves taking selfies if you didn't notice. 

The first day was Disneyland..... Happiest place on earth? Yes.

 First ride of the day, the autotopia

Takin a lunch break

Everyone went to watch the parade and kasey and I went to do more rides. But when we went to the teacup ride the parade went right beside it and there was no line so we went on it twice and watched the parade. We are kind of Disney tip experts... If you have any questions. 

And on Pinterest all the blogs talk about the dole whip so I stood in a very long line and bought some. It was yummy, but hollow.
 The second day we went to the Star Wars celebration...All wearing Star Wars shirts like baddies. 

Selfies with vader

The third day we went on the Warner brothers tour. We almost didn't make it because of traffic and dumb gps Directions but were 5 mins late and it ended up being a good thing because we got our tour all to our selfs which was way cool. 

This is the truck from pretty little liars if you were interested... 
The gazebo from Gilmore girls
Golf cart for pretty little liars
Chad and the friends stage 
Ellen's office
Airplane seats
With the batman cars 
Friends set 
And our tour guide....Brian?.
Fourth day we switched things up and went to new port beach.

Chad got to stop at a mclaren and Ferrari dealership and was happy  

And the fifth day we flew home.
