Monday, August 18, 2014

We knew every line, now I can't remember.

This past weekend we went up to Duluth for a little shopping/adventure trip were we met up with chad's family. It was a fun little trip and it was funny to think that the next time we see chad's family we will have little oliver with us! 

We stayed the night out past two harbors at this cabin resort place. It was a funny experience involving attics, false advertising, and canoes... but in all good times :)

Here are some pictures out by the lake behind the cabin resort.....

 Jordan taking a sun tanning break.

We also made our way to gooseberry falls which was pretty cool. In terms of waterfall impressiveness it was very small, but we found out later that everything looked completely different due to low water levels. But that ended up making it pretty fun because we could walk all around the falls for a little exploring.

Becky photo bombing.

The beginning of  Jordan's water adventures.

 Mermaid Jordan, I should probably zoom in and crop this one because its even more majestic close up. ;)

Kasey and Jordan.

Finally just going all in.