Sunday, May 18, 2014

Baby, baby, baby, baby, right on time.

Well things are going pretty great! I've been feeling pretty productive lately and keeping up with school work and stuff at home. Chads been working and starts school next week. Im 24 weeks pregnant! Oliver moves aaallll the time. I feel like he should be sleepier and im worried he's going to be a rowdy one. Oh well :)

Here's my toes starting to disappear.

We also went to the big spoon here in Minneapolis that kasey had mentioned we should go see. It was pretty cool but the garden place around it was actually cooler. It was the coldest day of the week that we went but it was still fun to walk around. 

And as planned I painted that music box boat from the thrift store, but decided to go white instead of blue and gold which im very glad I did. It looks dreamy and beautiful. Love it.

 And.... I've been wanting to have a few plants for awhile now but never felt like i had a good spot to put them until this apartment. Once i decided to make a little balcony garden i went all out planning and made some big plans with homemade pots, shelves and everything. I realized they were too big of plans and that our deck although bright doesn't get direct sunlight for most of the day so i would hate to buy a bunch of plants and have them all die.

My original plans....

So i went back to small plans and then waited around until i found some cheap shelves that happened to show up at my favorite thrift store last week for $3.99. I liked the grey look so just added a little bit of paint to make it not look sooo industrial.

I bought one strawberry, one tomato, two sets of annual flowers, and had some Alaskan pea seeds from chad for my birthday. And got some cute pots from homegoods.

And here she is! I still need chad to take out the second shelf for me so i can actually have some plants grow on the lower half with out being so sheltered. But besides that its turning out pretty nice, im excited to add more plants once i know these will grow, which the strawberry plant is already doing great, hope it continues. 

 And here is darcy checking out the new plants. The cats have already tried nibbling on the plants while they were in the house..

 Ohh.. and i got this cheap chair for $15 at walmart that i've already enjoyed for a little this evening. :)

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