Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cause you're beautiful.. drop dead.

A couple things to mention from over the past week:

Kasey stayed with us over the weekend it was fun! I fell in love with a dog named Watson while we were at the animal shelter. 

I had my first etsy sale! I mailed it off yesterday. Going to to post office made me realize that i had to raise the price for shipping on these vase and branches things im trying to sell because they are much to big to fit in any of the cheap flat rate boxes. The only box they'll fit in is called the game board box (which they don't sell in stores so i ordered some for free online, should be at my house in 7 days) and those cost $15.34 to ship. So pretty sad that it'll cost more then what im trying to sell them for. haha. 

Yesterday i made soup from scratch for the first time in my life. It was a chicken enchilada soup, recipe found here, and it was actually pretty good. We added sour cream and cheese on top which was delicious.  Next time i'd make it less thick.. more milk?.. and probably 1/4 less of each of the chunky ingredients. I like soups more brothy then thick. 

And here is a blurry photo i took the other day while chad and i drove to walmart to pick up my new favorite treat, cream cheese frosted cinnamon rolls. This picture just gets me excited because i think about winter and Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all coming up soon! Also.. i just thought about how odd it is that all those big holidays are grouped together so closely? Strange. 


  1. I also love soup more brothy than thick! Next time we see you guys we will have to make soup together. Yay for your first sell on etsy it really cute :)

  2. Yes soup! Do you know any good but easy soup recipes with potatoes?
