There is lots of cleaning to do before we move as well. I have set aside two days after we move to come back to the apartment when its empty and clean it all then. Another thing thats made a mess is old blacky. Here is the Exon Blacky spill in our drive way. its quite large. Since this picture i've put kitty litter on it and let it sit then swept it up but its still not that great.
And, lately Chad makes us go to bed a like 10pm since he wakes up super early for work, like 6am. So without trying i've been waking up at 9am every morning. It makes my day too long. haha. I don't have enough stuff right now to fill my days. I really wish i had someone to take pictures of because that would be lots of fun. And i really want to edit pictures because thats fun too. In my bored time alone today i took this picture of myself to fill my time :)
And here is a our little friend who is starving outside because our apartment manager is a meany. She might look fluffy and big in this picture but when you touch her (which is gross because she's all dirty but you can't help it because she trys to rub against you and is so desperate) she is really really skinny and you can feel her bones perfectly. Its sad. i can see how people become animal hoarders. Four paws said they are all full and they suggested the animal shelter but the animal shelter said they'd forward my email onto animal control and see if there is anything that can be done. I have a feeling nothing can be done.
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