Today chad and i went for a walk. It was nice and a little warm but then at the end of our walk it started pouring. Like lots. It was funny. Chad looked ridiculous by the time we got home.
{This is spooky. You may remember him from an earlier post. Well, chad wanted to see if he was starting to get mushy. So he stepped on him. He was mushy.}
{On the walk with style.}
{We found an owl}
I've decided to start the flickr 365 day project. So every day for a year I will post one picture from my day on flickr.
I also have a we♥it account now. I just found it. Its a lot like pinterest. But less popular and seems like there are younger people on it. I just like it because there are some cool pictures on it. i dont know how long i'll use it for.
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