I've been watching a lot of One Tree Hill these days. It was added to Netflix and I stopped watching it during the 6th season a long long time ago. Its been good. Chads been here by my side watching it the whole time too. He's the best tv watching partner.
We went to a Halloween party last night. Lots of candy, some charades, and battle of the sexes.
I might not make the book club this month. On my second book and its horrible. So boring. We will see if I can get through it tomorrow. Its called The Vespertine by Saundra Mitchell. Maybe it'll get better? I have to admit, i judge books by their cover.(This one looks good right?) And next time maybe i shouldn't rely on the cover as much.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Once when i was living
Today chad p and i made this recipe together. We don't have a bunt pan so we made it in a little bread pan. It worked out very nicely. It was difficult figuring out the timing in the oven.
Its very simple, for the full instructions you can go here, or you can just see its very easy by the picture below. Little bit of dough, piece of pepperoni, and a little square of cheese, then roll it up.
Here is the next thing I want to try. [http://skinnychef.com/recipes/baked-apples] Pretty excited about it.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Thats ok i'll just watch netflix in HD
Little improvements to our home.
Finally got a framed mirror to go above my little candles!
Finally got a framed mirror to go above my little candles!
[I asked chad to hide the fire extinguisher with his head. It almost worked]
These are our new paintings from DI. The top ones in our kitchen the other one is in the living room. I like to top one best
And here is chad trying to finish his reading for the month. He feel asleep like a minute later.
Its empty in the valley of your heart
Our Alaska money came in today!
Found a new blog I love. http://seekatesew.blogspot.com/p/tutorials_30.html. I like her site because she has tons of tutorials. Some look a little too advanced for me. She skips over things sometimes that i don't know how to do. haha.
One of the things i really want to make is one of these cute lace headbands.
Also I finally gave into pintrest.com. I wasn't going to at first because I found it too overwhelming and intimidating. But last night i was on it and there were so many things i liked i just started pinning and that was it.
Here is my pintrest account http://pinterest.com/allieparr/
My favorite thing too look for so far is mason jar things and home things. I found some very cool mason jar ideas though.
Found a new blog I love. http://seekatesew.blogspot.com/p/tutorials_30.html. I like her site because she has tons of tutorials. Some look a little too advanced for me. She skips over things sometimes that i don't know how to do. haha.
One of the things i really want to make is one of these cute lace headbands.
Also I finally gave into pintrest.com. I wasn't going to at first because I found it too overwhelming and intimidating. But last night i was on it and there were so many things i liked i just started pinning and that was it.
Here is my pintrest account http://pinterest.com/allieparr/
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
allie you need to go.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
I come bearing gifts
My Christmas list.
Dear Santa. Thank you for all the toys last year..... just kidding. So chad needs my Christmas list and I was trying to use my off brand word software but it wasn't working. So it'll be on here.
1. A Sewing Machine
2. Wall Mail and Flower Holder
3. Salt and Pepper Shaker
4. Perfume [Nollie or Lilu perhaps?]
Dear Santa. Thank you for all the toys last year..... just kidding. So chad needs my Christmas list and I was trying to use my off brand word software but it wasn't working. So it'll be on here.
2. Wall Mail and Flower Holder
3. Salt and Pepper Shaker
5. A Scarf
Saturday, October 22, 2011
i like fudge. i like fudge, you ask me what i'll say, i'll say i like fudge...
We drove home and saw a bunch of kittens tonight. We quickly tried to go see them but they ran away. We had bought some cat food for cheeto but she seems to have lost interest in us so we tried to lure these new kittens out with the food. Chad sat in the dark waiting for them. It was quite creepy. They never came.
Work has been a little annoying. My schedule isn't a sure thing so when i think its only going to be an hour and a half of work it ends up being like 2 and a half. I'd be fine working that much, it would just be nice to know beforehand.
Im tired of school already.
I don't know if i'll make the book club this month. Im far behind. Im not even done with my first book yet. Oh goodness.
I eat perogies today. delisish.
So chad and I are thinking about dressing up for Halloween as a monk and a nun.
Our room is pretty dark and night and we've been wanting to find a night light. All the ones we find aren't right. While i was looking on modcloth i found this one and i think they are adorable. There are a bunch of different colors.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I haven't seen you for awhile.
Another day.
We had lunch at wingers, there was the buy one get one free deal today.
Went to Jared's surprise birthday party. Played some catchphrase.
Worked. Today was even easier then the last.
I have to get going on my christmas list. Chad is being pushy with the due date.
I haven't written barbara yet. Im a bad friend.
...an Etsy Favorite. So I've liked these for awhile on etsy, but i just keep seeing more and more, and i think they are the best. They are bracelets made from spoons. I think they are clever and beautiful.
you can't do that one.
Tucked into bed with my computer. Haven't done this for awhile.
So first day of work. Went well. i don't think i've ever vacuumed that much carpet at one time ever in my life. It looks like i'll just be working 3 hours a day. 8-11pm.
Chad and I saw this flickr account and its so cool. He takes pictures of star wars Lego men and well, its cool. My favorite one is this one....
...i just love it. {One of my dreams is to create a miniature scene and take a picture of it. Just like the i spy books.} Chad and i decided we wanted to try taking cool pictures of some little thing. So we went to the dollar store and returned with a knight on a horse, and a long neck dinosaur. So far, we've only taken pictures of the dinosaur.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
wait did you guys already get them?
Nothing much is going on.
Haven't seen cheeto around.
I got a job! Its a very classy late night custodian job on campus. I start tomorrow.
Im slacking on my 365 photography project. Im behind two days
Im kind of nervous about work tomorrow. But it should be fine?
I also made my mother a blog today. Im hoping she'll use it so i can see more pictures from home. i miss my family.
Haven't seen cheeto around.
I got a job! Its a very classy late night custodian job on campus. I start tomorrow.
Im slacking on my 365 photography project. Im behind two days
Im kind of nervous about work tomorrow. But it should be fine?
I also made my mother a blog today. Im hoping she'll use it so i can see more pictures from home. i miss my family.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
mannheim steamrollers
Today chad and i went for a walk. It was nice and a little warm but then at the end of our walk it started pouring. Like lots. It was funny. Chad looked ridiculous by the time we got home.
I've decided to start the flickr 365 day project. So every day for a year I will post one picture from my day on flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/tait14/
I also have a we♥it account now. I just found it. Its a lot like pinterest. But less popular and seems like there are younger people on it. I just like it because there are some cool pictures on it. i dont know how long i'll use it for. http://weheartit.com/allieparr
{This is spooky. You may remember him from an earlier post. Well, chad wanted to see if he was starting to get mushy. So he stepped on him. He was mushy.}
{On the walk with style.}
{We found an owl}
I've decided to start the flickr 365 day project. So every day for a year I will post one picture from my day on flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/tait14/

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