Saturday, July 28, 2018

I lied to your face in the summer

 I've been wanting to go to Fort Snelling to take pictures of the kids for a little while and actually drove there to do this the other day and when I got there it started raining. It was sad. So we went for a little walk today and it was funny because the kids were very dirty with food and just.. like kids stuff. But we still got some cute pictures.

So I love this pictures of Oliver and Chad together. They are adorable. Its actually right after Oliver fell down running by chad and that is why he has his arm rolled up in his shirt for the rest of the pictures. Because if he hides it, its some how better? He also does not want to see it.....

Come on Skinny Love

I love seeing these two grow together. Oliver is still rough with Charlie more often then I'd like but Charlie is growing to be a pretty strong little girl. I can't wait to see what their relationship will be like in another year. 

I hope it's great. 

Oh darling don't you ever grow up.

So Charlie has a baby doll and barbies that she absolutely loves. They are definitely her favorite toys. I've always felt, or at least always wanted to be, very open to my children choosing clothes, colors, or toys because they like them whether they are for "boys or girls". The day I decided to get Charlie a doll and gave it to her she did her crazy happy smile and crawled around with it throughout the day. A day or two after that we went to a thrift store that I like to go to often that has a whole back isle of toys all at kids heights to reach and pick out and such. Charlie was crawling and did the fastest crawl she could with a little squeal to this little doll stroller that had a doll inside of it. I realized then that she really did love dolls/babies. I know I offered cute stuffed animals and probably a doll at some point to Oliver when he was little, and he does like stuffed animals, but not like Charlie loves her doll and barbies. It's been super interesting to me to see how different children are from each other, even when you assume you are doing the same type of parenting for both.