Thursday, December 14, 2017

Good tidings we bring.

I decided not to do Christmas cards this year, mostly because I didn't feel like it. haha. But I did want to get a couple cute pictures of these two. I had to bribe Oliver and tell him he could watch his videos if he let me take a few pictures. And he gave me a limited time so I had to hurry so they aren't quite the quality I would like but they are cute so that makes up for it?! Merry Christmas!

Let it snow Let it snow

Lately Olivers enjoyed making his own orange juice. He also finally got snow gear and looves going out with me to play. I will plan it so we go out when Charlie is taking one of her naps and then I have the video monitor connected to my phone so we can go out and play just the two of us. I've actually started enjoying going out in the snow too!