Friday, February 28, 2014

I got a good feeling it will be alright.

Well i finally got around to finishing the hutch. Here is the before......

And the after.........

 I really love it. Its exactly how I wanted it to look. The paint was a little odd though. The brush marks are pretty visible but oh well.

And here is an adorable painting i got from the thrift store the other day.

And here is kitty... She was playing on this tall wooden chair we have (its chads... its like a wooden mid-evil dinning chair thing from homegoods?..yeah..) and it fell over with her on it. Some how she hurt her foot in the ordeal and has been limping around since last night. She seemed a little better today so we are going to wait another day and see if she keeps improving but if she doesn't we will have to bring her to the vet to get it looked at. Its swollen compared to her other paws, and today i found her sleeping on her back sticking only her hurt foot up in the air. It was pretty cute.. and sad.. hopefully she gets better real quick.

She just limped into the room while writing this.. so sad.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The cold never bothered me anyway.

Im proud to say i've started cooking food again. I feel like i constantly have to eat or i start feeling nauseous which isn't as fun as it sounds... anyways.. i've been using my new food processor as often as i can. I make myself my own personal single smoothie every morning. I've learned that little mini prep plus can't handle ice cubes so i cut the fruit up before hand and then freeze it and then in the morning let it thaw just a little before blending. Anyways.. its great. 

Its was super sunny the other day and it brightened up our gloomy dark apartment for once which made me extremely happy. If only it was like that every day :(

I also started making individual brownies in cute little ramekins. Which chad is very pleased about. Im going to try individual cookies next.

And... here is cute little darcy. being cute.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

You've got me on my toes.

So we all traveled down to Jeni's to see little lexie's baby blessing. It was of course lots of fun and im excited for the next big get together that is hopefully soon. Here are a few pictures from the trip....

This is dukes batman face... 

Here is a my handsome husband and i... maybe some day he will learn to smile? Or i will learn to make funny faces? 

Lexie getting lots of attention. 

Also... as everyone must know, i am pregnant. I had a horrible month starting at 6 weeks where i didnt leave the house and pretty much stayed in my bed until i had to throw up and then returned back to bed. My doctor had me switch my prenatals and i take half a sleeping pill at night and lots of B6 throughout the day and that seems to be helping a good amount. I still have a bad start most mornings where i loose my breakfast but the rest of the day is pretty good as long as i keep eating little things. 

But anyways... here is how we announced it to our families. I wish i could have sent them to everyone because they were just so cute! I bought them off of etsy here. Its a little egg you have to crack and inside was a piece of paper that said we were pregnant. I mailed mine to my family and they were smart enough to call me while opening it but not smart enough to suspect anything but it was fun to hear their surprise. And we were lucky enough to be able to give chads family theirs in person. Lots and lots of fun. 

Also while were were at jeni's i had photographer kasey take our announcement picture and she did a great job. Here are some others i liked that she took that i didn't post.

And.. we bought our first baby item yesterday. They are blue so kind of boyish but the patterns are totally more girlish.. sooo i decided that made them neutral. :) I mostly bought these onesies for this one.. it has castles and little deer in the forest and says once upon a time.. just adorable.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

No you don't stand a chance for a second in my world.

If you did not know, i have a dream to someday buy a victorian style farm house. It would need lots of work, would be around $150,000, and have more then about 6 acres of land (with trees not just a field). There is a house outside of Minneapolis that i dream about quite regularly that meets all of these qualities. Its on zillow of course, here  and is $140,000 needs tons of work and is on 29 acres. 

Here she is.... 

Along with my day dreams i enjoy reading blog post on how to refinish hardwood floors and installing drywall. When i buy my fixer upper i'll have to know how to do somethings right? Well while we were in texas visiting my family we went to a thrift store and chad spotted this book series on home repair. It seriously has everything and has these cute little pictures. I bought just about all of them for like a $1 each it was great. 

We also bought our first tool a drill.... i know we are very lame right now because everyone and their mom's probably have one of these in their house already, but i have to start somewhere and this was the most useful tool for me right now. :)