I put my drink down on the table and along came thirst darcy....
Shes adorable ♥
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
lost your balance on a tight rope
Went to Di today.. no surprise, Found some cute little frames, and a little shelf thing. I painted the frames purple so they could match my big frame so i could do something with them together.. although I thought they looked pretty good how they were. And then the shelf i turned into a kitty litter box for darcy. Its the perfect size for her and will keep the litter from getting onto the floor, and it hides it away nicely.
Chad picked out the red color. We think a different color may have been better. haha. Also to really finish the shelf i should buy another can of spray paint to finish it off but im too cheap and lazy to do that this time.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Are you ok Doctor Jackson
We went camping for memorial weekend! It was fun. At first it was pouring rain. Then it started hailing. It was crazy. But then it got nice. We bought a little tent and it worked out pretty good. It was cold at first. Heres some pictures!
Also... we are planning on going to salt lake this weekend to go to chad's old friends wedding. I have work off this Friday and Saturday so it works out perfectly. Im looking forward to going there and going to this store called homegoods.. its supposed to be like homeSense. I hope i hope! Although i am running out of room to put stuff. Im thinking i might switch out all of my painting in my living room for something else. I also like weddings so that'll be fun. And we are probably going to be staying with Nathan chads brother. It'll be a fun weekend!
Also... we are planning on going to salt lake this weekend to go to chad's old friends wedding. I have work off this Friday and Saturday so it works out perfectly. Im looking forward to going there and going to this store called homegoods.. its supposed to be like homeSense. I hope i hope! Although i am running out of room to put stuff. Im thinking i might switch out all of my painting in my living room for something else. I also like weddings so that'll be fun. And we are probably going to be staying with Nathan chads brother. It'll be a fun weekend!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Standing in line can be particularly difficult.
I found a mirror at di today. It was a pretty one. Just black though so i wanted to change the color. Chad suggested purple and im glad i listened because it turned out pretty! I also bought a different frame at di a long time ago and bought gold spray paint for it but then we must have forgot the bag at walmart because it disappeared along with some other groceries we bought... so i decided to paint that one purple too.
Here is the mirror by its self, with darcy of course, after painting it purple.
Here is the mirror by its self, with darcy of course, after painting it purple.
And here is the before and after of the gold frame....
The mirror ended up a little darker since it was already painted black. But i still like it! Now i need to figure out where to put it....??
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Did you know that i love you...
Today is Wednesday and if you didn't know Wednesdays are my least favorite day of the week. This is because i see chad for about a total of 1 hour and 15 minutes. I see him when i wake up, of course, then he sleeps while i get ready for class which we go to at 11:30. I get done with class at 12:30 then drive home while chad still has class until 4:15. So im alone from 12:30 to 4:15 until i go pick him up at the Ricks building and we drive down to the Snow building where i get out of the car for class from 4:30 to 6:45 and chad then drives home. He drives back to the Snow building at little before i get out so he can park the car, leave the keys in the glove box, then walk up to the Ricks building where he has class from 7 to 10pm. So i go back home alone until i go to work at 9pm. I park the car and leave the keys in the car so he can drive home at 10. Then he picks me up at Midnight when im done with work, and we finally go home together. Worst day ever.
Today however is my day off! So i'll get to see chad at 10pm.. a whole 2 hours earlier then normal. haha.
I hardly ever have homework this semester so my long times alone are pretty empty. I've been cleaning and reorganizing stuff but thats about it. I usually watch a lot of david tutera, a wedding planer who has this show on netflix. I enjoy it. Or i sleep.
OH and i just remembered we are going camping this weekend for memorial weekend! Im very excited about that.
I just went on pinterest and realized i haven't been on it in ForEVER...
Today however is my day off! So i'll get to see chad at 10pm.. a whole 2 hours earlier then normal. haha.
I hardly ever have homework this semester so my long times alone are pretty empty. I've been cleaning and reorganizing stuff but thats about it. I usually watch a lot of david tutera, a wedding planer who has this show on netflix. I enjoy it. Or i sleep.
OH and i just remembered we are going camping this weekend for memorial weekend! Im very excited about that.
I just went on pinterest and realized i haven't been on it in ForEVER...
Decided im going to make this for my curtains...
Also want to do this...
But i'll have to convince chad to go on a road trip first.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Every where? Every where
Anyways.. good times with chad p and no work!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
The word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out
We went to go look at kittens yesterday in Idaho Falls. I saw online on Petfinder.com that there were three kittens for adoption at the animal shelter. I forgot though that it closes early on saturdays so we got there 13 minutes too late. So we went to bestbuy and Ross for fun and after that to petsmart which was next door. At petsmart was two very cute kittens. One in particular. He looked just like darcy but gray. He was cute.. I held him and wanted to bring him home.. but i resisted. I made a pros and cons list before we went to idaho falls just incase i saw a kitten and wanted to bring it home i'd have already decided if it was a good idea or bad. I had many pros... but two important cons..the first was money. To adopt a kitten its $103 from the animal shelter and $80 from petsmart. That includes spay/neuter, and shots. And the second thing was that darcy wasn't even allowed so a second kitten probably isn't a good idea. But there is only like 2 and a half months left right?
And of course now i should post a picture of darcy because she is the cutest cat ever right? Here she is in her new favorite place to sit.
This is the kitten we haven't met yet at the animal shelter.. super cute.
And this is the kitty that was at petsmart. He was soo cuddly. It made us realize that darcy isn't and never was a cuddly cat. Sad.
And of course now i should post a picture of darcy because she is the cutest cat ever right? Here she is in her new favorite place to sit.
Friday, May 11, 2012
This time for Africa
I've had a lot of extra time lately by myself when chads at school and im home alone so i've been looking at nikon camera's. My favorite nikon reviews come from this guy named Ken online. His website is, http://www.kenrockwell.com/nikon/, and he reviews like everything nikon its fantastic. I trust his advice. My dream camera has been the Nikon d300 for years and years which came out in 2007. That was back when i read about cameras all the time. I stopped for quite awhile. Today when i was reading about the new cameras Ken raves about this other camera that came out in 2011 and is cheaper then the my d300 which he says is better then the D300 and the D90. So now i don't know what to think about my dream camera. Maybe its not my favorite any more?
Anyways i also came across this old school camera (D1) from 1999 for sale for $134. I think it looks ridiculous and, it only has 2.7 megapixels which is quite funny. Most phone cameras have more megapixels then that.
Anyways i also came across this old school camera (D1) from 1999 for sale for $134. I think it looks ridiculous and, it only has 2.7 megapixels which is quite funny. Most phone cameras have more megapixels then that.
Also.. i love summer. Its soo warm and pretty lately. I always want lots of fruit when its warm. I went to the store the other day when chad was gone.. again.. and bought watermelon and strawberries. It was yummy.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
im not crying its just been raining on my face.
Yes.. i've become an awful blogger.
I think my main reason for not blogging lately is because i started this online class, which i didn't need to take i was just taking it to be a full time student, and im a huge procrastinator and never wanted to do my homework so to keep myself from feeling like i should do it i just wouldn't go on my computer at all. There have been days where my laptop was never opened the whole day. But i've figured out away to not have that problem. Im going to fail my class. This probably sounds bad.. but its actually ok. Im going to keep it until i am done working at the end of the semester and then drop it and get a "W" instead of the F. I was very excited when i figured that little plan out.
Besides planning on failing classes, not much else has been going on. It's been getting sunny again, which i love! Chad and i went for a little walk the other day. I've also been hanging out with some friends which is different. My old friend Maury is back in Rexburg and we happened to have a class together. We went to watch the lucky one and ate out. It was fun. I don't suggest watching the lucky one. I thought it wasn't any good. It was fun, but i still don't like doing things without chad. I guess im rather clingy. :) So the next friends i hung out with, my friends from work, i brought chad parr with me. We went to big juds. Its were you can buy giant 1lb hamburgers (or even 6lbs!). Chad and i shared a 1lb and hardly ate half of it. It was fun. I had never been there before.
And thats just about it?... Here are some pictures from the walk chad and i went on.

I think my main reason for not blogging lately is because i started this online class, which i didn't need to take i was just taking it to be a full time student, and im a huge procrastinator and never wanted to do my homework so to keep myself from feeling like i should do it i just wouldn't go on my computer at all. There have been days where my laptop was never opened the whole day. But i've figured out away to not have that problem. Im going to fail my class. This probably sounds bad.. but its actually ok. Im going to keep it until i am done working at the end of the semester and then drop it and get a "W" instead of the F. I was very excited when i figured that little plan out.
Besides planning on failing classes, not much else has been going on. It's been getting sunny again, which i love! Chad and i went for a little walk the other day. I've also been hanging out with some friends which is different. My old friend Maury is back in Rexburg and we happened to have a class together. We went to watch the lucky one and ate out. It was fun. I don't suggest watching the lucky one. I thought it wasn't any good. It was fun, but i still don't like doing things without chad. I guess im rather clingy. :) So the next friends i hung out with, my friends from work, i brought chad parr with me. We went to big juds. Its were you can buy giant 1lb hamburgers (or even 6lbs!). Chad and i shared a 1lb and hardly ate half of it. It was fun. I had never been there before.
And thats just about it?... Here are some pictures from the walk chad and i went on.
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